
Woman disguises as Teacher, kidnaps five Children from their homes

Woman disguises as a Teacher, kidnaps five Children from their homes

An unidentified woman, who disguised as a Teacher, has abducted five children from their homes in Rukpakulusi Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

According to Daily Independent, three of the children, whose ages ranged from 18-months to four years, were reportedly abducted from one family while two others were taken away from another family.

The mother of the first three victims, Rose Monday, said the unknown woman took her children when they went over to their neighbour’s compound to play.

She said the suspect claimed to be a home lesson Teacher, who was looking for a makeshift structure to rent in the area.

She said her children were last seen after the woman took them to buy notebooks.

According to her: “I was at home when one of my children who was playing with her siblings came back alone. I asked her the whereabouts of her brothers’. She said one aunty (woman) said she will bring them home.

“I asked where the woman was taken them to, she replied that the woman took her to Oil Mill (a popular market in Port Harcourt) to start taking them on lessons and she and the other children followed her.

“They (children) were seven including one of my neighbours child. She said the woman told her to go that she has given her money for transport, that she will bring her brothers to the house,” the mother explained.

Monday’s 14-year old daughter narrated how the woman deceived her and another neighbour’s son before running away with the children.

She said: “I told the aunty that the small one (child) don’t know how to write that herself and the woman can go and buy the books.

“The woman said no, that she likes little children. As I followed her, she started watching me. When I returned the looks, she smiled.

“She now stopped a vehicle and all of us entered.When we got to Oil Mill, the woman kept me there and sat down.

“The woman now told me she wants to take the children to go pick up something. So, I sat there for a long time.

“I then asked a girl operating PoS if she knew where the woman took the children to, the girl replied that she didn’t know the woman,” she stated.

The mother of the other two children, Blessing Emmanuel, also said the woman first hired her husband to buy materials to construct a makeshift structure before she left with her children.

“So this woman told the children that she organizes lessons (home classes) and that if she see a way she will begin lessons for them. So the grown-up child said aunty let’s go and buy books.

“Since I know the girl and her brothers’ who usually come to my house to play with my children because she was a former neighbour. That is why my children followed them,” she said.

The Acting Spokesperson of the state police command, Grace Iringe-Koko who confirmed the incident, described the parents of the abducted children as careless.

She said, “Those people (parents) were they not careless? Somebody came to you that she is a teacher, went to their house and told them she wants to take the children and buy books for them.

“They allowed her to take the children. Is it supposed to be like that? So, you can see that it is the carelessness of parents and they will now fall back on the police.

“We (police) have commenced investigation to ensure that the children are rescued, as well as arrest the woman and make her face the law”.

She advised parents to be vigilant and report suspicious characters coming around their children in whatever guise to the police.

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