
Unknown gunmen kill Guards Commander, three colleagues

Unknown gunmen kill Guards, Commander, three colleagues


The Commander of the Benue State Livestock Guards, BSLGs, and three of his colleagues have been reportedly killed by unknown armed men in separate attacks in Ukum Local Government Area, LGA, of the state.

It was gathered that the Commander, Jarule Likita, who until his deaths headed the Mbatian Ward Command of the Guards in Ukum LG, was killed at about 8pm at Tine-Nune settlement, by the assailants who shot him severally on the chest.

According to a source in the area, “the murdered Commander was tailed by the assailants to the spot and they opened fire on him.

“When they confronted and started shooting him, everyone scampered and you know that this area is known for the activities of armed militia some of who are said to be loyalists of the late Terwase Agwaza also known as Gana. So no one was brave enough to confront them.”

Speaking on the development, the State Commander of the Guards, Mr. Linus Zaki state aside the Mbatian Ward Commander, three others were also murdered in cold blood by armed men few weeks back.

The Commander said “I was just informed that some armed men attacked and killed him, the Commander. Today he is the only one that was killed.

“The armed men have been killing them like that. Three of my men also died few weeks back. They just come, fire them and go away. They call them gunmen and unknown gunmen, that is the report reaching me. One of those killed went to pick his wife and he was gunned down so also others. I do not know where these gunmen are coming from.”

Contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, Superintendent, SP, Catherine Anene said she was yet to receive any report on the incidents.

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