
Tragedy as Truck crushes Motorcycle rider, passenger to death

Tragedy as Truck crushes Motorcycle rider, passenger to death

A motorcycle rider and his passenger were on Sunday afternoon crushed to death in Calabar

The accident occurred at Atimbo, on the outskirts of the city along the Calabar -Akpabuyo road when the truck laden with cement from the Lafarge cement factory ran over the motorcycle while attempting to overtake another truck.

“The okada was heading to Akpabuyo while the truck was coming from Lafarge factory. The truck was trying to overtake another truck when he ran over the okada man and his passenger”. Utibe, an eyewitness told Vanguard

The source said the okada and passenger died on the spot and were evacuated to the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital mortuary.

“Police came and removed the truck to the Airport Police Station while the casualties were evacuated to the UCTH mortuary”

A police source at the Airport Police station said she reported for “duty this afternoon and heard of the accident and the truck parked here but I have no other details to tell you until the Station Officer comes back”

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