
Sixteen [16] Nigerians on religious trip shot death by Burkina Faso Soldiers

Sixteen [16] Nigerians on religious trip shot death by Burkina Faso Soldiers

No fewer than 16 members of the Jam’iyyatu Ansariddeen Attijaniyya of Nigeria have been killed in Burkina Faso, the Nigerian Tribune has reported.

According to the medium, the National Secretary of the movement, Sayyidi Mohammad AlQasim Yahaya, disclosed this at a news conference on Sunday in Abuja,

Yahaya, who condemned the gruesome act, said the Nigerian adherents were killed on their way to the home country of their leader, Sheikhul-islam Alhaji Ibrahim Niasse in Senegal.

While calling for arrest and prosecution of all those behind the dastardly act, Yahaya explained that the Nigerian delegations were in convoy of luxurious mini-buses on the fateful day they were killed.

He said their convoy was stopped by Burkinabe army on patrol and they were ordered to disembark from the buses, “randomly selected and cold-bloodedly shot to death in a most horrendous display of bestiality”.

Yahaya added that 16 of them were killed while some vehicles and their occupants are yet to be accounted for.

He said this ignoble act is against all known international convention and human rights charter globally, stressing that extant laws and conventions that guaranteed the sanctity and inviolability of human lives, irrespective of their origin and creed has been violated.

While quoting the African charter on Human and People’s Rights, Act cap 10, 2004, he noted that the law is binding on African state member countries including Burkina Faso and that this has been violated in this case.

“Tijjaniyya world- wide urgently draw the attention of the Nigerian government, the United Nations and Human Rights organisations to as a matter of urgency and responsibility, Wade into this matter by ensuring that the rights of the victims of this massacre are upheld and the blood thirsty culprits are immediately brought to book,” he said.

While awaiting the immediate actions of the world body and the government of Nigeria and Burkina Faso, the Tijjaniyya movement appeals to their teeming members globally to remain law abiding while pursuing course of Justice for the victims and their aggrieved families.

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