
Retired Military Personnel others protest non-payment of 24 months allowance

There was a peaceful protest by the
retired Military Armed Forces personnel under the aegis of Coalition of Concerned Veterans (CCV),as they cried out that ninety percent (90%) of its members have not been paid the Security Debarment Allowance (SDA) as well as other allowances.

This was disclosed on Monday during the protest as they demanded the immediate payment of the allowance, among other entitlement.

The Members which started their protest at the legion office, proceeded to the Sir Kashim Ibrahim house to submit their letter of protest to the Governor, Mallam Nasiru El-Rufai.

Holding placards with various some of which read our, ‘We can’t pay rent’, ‘No food on the table to feed our families’, ‘Pay us our entitlements’, “Our rights must be paid”, etc said they were on a peaceful protest in order to demand their rights.

Speaking on behalf of the group, Secretary-General of the Coalition of Concerned Veterans(CCV), Comrade Auwal Abdullahi Aliyu said, 90% of those are entitled to the Security Debarment Allowance (SDA) have not been paid, noting only 10% had so far received the allowance.

“We have 24 months outstanding arrears on Minimum wage that has not been paid, there is also the Security Debarment allowance which wants the FG to pay.

He also alleged that there is a selective payment of the allowance, saying, ‘few were selected and paid, 90%, while those who are entitled to the SDA have not been paid, and we have been asking questions, where is this money, why have we not been paid.

He said,’ we met some officials of the Ministry of Defence, they told us it is on the pipeline, we reached out to the Chief of Defence Staff, we were told the same thing.

‘The Minister of finance in her address said she has paid 100% of everything that belongs to the Miilitary Armed forces and Defence, we have not seen anything.

‘Our Defence health insurance scheme which is under the National health insurance scheme, we also have serious challenges with it as it did not cover the ailments that those gallant soldiers incurred serving Nigeria. Yet there’s no proper medical cover, he said

He also noted that some of the wives of the personnel who died in the cause of duty had been left alone to cater for themselves, and their children.

“What we are saying is these widows should be provided with means of livelihood, skill acquisition and then a token that will make them stand on their feet.

‘For our children, they should be provided with jobs. when there is a need for replacement, our children should be given automatic slots in the Armed Forces so that they will go and serve in other to take care of the remaining members of the family”

Mrs Macdalin Albert, a widow, said since she lost her husband in 2014, life has not been easy for her and the children.

“I am appealing to the govt to please help the military widows because life has not been easy for us generally. Sometimes they will say they are helping the widows, nothing has come to me. Military widows are suffering, no work for them, no work for their children”

Among other demands, made by the ex-servicemen include: Restore Back deduction of Medically Boarded Veterans, Welfare housing scheme for veterans, scholarship for veteran children, skill acquisition for the widows of Veterans among others.

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