
Reactions, Anxiety as Fed Govt signs $150 loan deal with questionable clause

Reactions, Anxiety as Fed Govt signs $150 loan deal with questionable clause

In the face of criticisms, the federal government has staunchly defended its endorsement of the Samoa Agreement at the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium. This partnership agreement aligns the European Union and its member states with those of the OACPS.

Negotiations for this agreement commenced in 2018 during the sidelines of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. The signing took place in Apia, Samoa, on November 15, 2018, involving all 27 EU member states and 47 out of the 79 OACPS member states.

Comprising 103 articles, the agreement features a foundational compact and three regional protocols addressing specific issues in Africa-EU, Caribbean-EU, and Pacific-EU relations.

Nigeria formally signed the agreement on June 28, 2024, following rigorous reviews and consultations by the Inter-ministerial Committee, convened by the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning (FMBEP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Federal Ministry of Justice (FMOJ). Every article and provision of the agreement underwent scrutiny to ensure compliance with Nigeria’s 1999 Constitution, as amended, and other relevant laws.

According to a source from the presidency, it is imperative to reassure Nigerians that the Bola Tinubu Administration, committed to adherence to rule-based governance, will only engage in international agreements that uphold the interests of the country and its citizens.

The source said: “In negotiating the Agreement, our officials strictly followed the mandates exchanged in 2018 between the EU and the OACPS for the process.

“The Samoa Agreement is a vital legal framework for cooperation between the OACPS and the European Union. Its goals are to promote sustainable development, fight climate change and its effects, generate investment opportunities, and foster collaboration among OACPS Member States at the international stage.”

However, yesterday, the Hijrah Islamic Organisation and Ansarul-Islam Society of Nigeria strongly criticized Nigeria’s signing of an agreement endorsing same-sex relationships in exchange for a $150 billion loan. The two Islamic organizations denounced this move as contrary to Islamic principles and a highly negative development. They emphasized that Islam unequivocally prohibits same-sex marriage.

The leaders of these organizations urged members of the National Assembly to view this development as grounds for impeachment and to promptly take appropriate action.

The chairman of Hijrah Islamic Organisation and an Islamic Studies lecturer at the University of Ilorin, Prof Badmus Yusuf, said: “It is a very unfortunate development for the nation that is already swimming in the ocean of economic deterioration, insecurity, moral degradation and political aimlessness. The case of Sodom and Gomorrah should have remained a lesson for the country if our leaders were true to the claim of being Muslims and Christians.

“The National Assembly should look at and consider the development as an impeachable offence and do what is needed. Religious leaders should speak out and call for God’s intervention in the affairs of this nation; enough is enough.”

On his part, the public relations officer of the Ilorin branch of Ansarul-Islam Society of Nigeria, Imam Abubakar Aliy – Kamal said: “Same-sex is forbidden in Islam, and any country that practises is asking for the wrath of Almighty Allah, and the wrath of Almighty Allah will be upon them.

“Instead of taking such a loan, I want to advise President Bola Tinubu to concentrate on agriculture and infrastructure development for the benefit of Nigerians.”

Afenifere: Nigerians Will Unite to Oppose Government’s Action

According to Comrade Jare Ajayi, the national publicity secretary of Afenifere, the apparent widespread opposition among Nigerians to the purported signing of the Agreement is indicative of their firm stance against actions that contradict natural norms and societal values.

“Although a spokesman for the Minister of Budget Planning, Mr Adebiyi, said that the said Agreement does not contain anything like LGBT rights, it is fit and proper that Nigerians rise in unison to make it clear that such a practice would not be accepted in the country. With this clear position by Nigerians, those at the helm of affairs would think twice before plunging the country into such an Agreement.”

Ajayi recalled that former President Goodluck Jonathan, in 2014, signed the Anti-Gay Bill into law, thus making it a criminal offence for anyone to engage in such acts.

“To the best of our knowledge, the said Act has not been abrogated,” he submitted, adding that it is a good thing that the country’s Constitution requires the National Assembly to approve any Agreement from foreign sources before it becomes operational in Nigeria.

“It is comforting to hear from the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Treaties, Protocols, and Agreements, Hon. Rabiu Yusuf, that the said Samoa Agreement had not been brought before the National Assembly for consideration.

‘’It is strongly believed that if presented to them, the Agreement will not be approved by the lawmakers if it contains the offensive clauses,” the Afenifere spokesman said.

Pan Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF) has announced its intention to scrutinize the agreement recently signed between the federal government and the Republic of Samoa before issuing a response. Ken Robinson, PANDEF’s national publicity secretary, revealed this during discussions with LEADERSHIP in Port Harcourt.

Meanwhile, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), including the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) and the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), have urged the government to prioritize good governance. They expressed concerns that the reported $150 billion Samoa deal contains clauses that mandate support for demands from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities in underdeveloped and developing nations.

Awwal Musa Rafsanjani, representing the CSOs, emphasized that the Nigerian government should concentrate on addressing domestic challenges rather than imposing actions that are unpopular among Nigerians.

Rafsanjani said: “The government should just prioritise good governance. The government should look at ways and means of tackling employment and insecurity.

“We know there is poverty in the country, and only good governance can end it, not signing controversial agreements,” Rafsanjani said.

“The government should not impose bad behaviour on people. If this is going to affect the people who are to be the beneficiaries, then it should be looked at again. Every Nigerian has the right to believe in what he or she likes and the government should not impose it on the people.”

NEF Affirms Continuance of Anti-Gay Legislation

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has opted not to comment on speculative matters, affirming Nigeria’s adherence to legal processes before implementing significant changes. Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, spokesperson for the forum, stated, “Nigeria has a longstanding stance against LGBT rights. In January 2014, former President Goodluck Jonathan signed a Bill into law criminalizing same-sex relationships, with penalties of up to 14 years imprisonment for offenders.”

“This anti-gay law is still in effect in Nigeria, and it reflects the deeply ingrained societal attitudes towards homosexuality in the country.

“While the global push for LGBT rights is still an issue, it cannot be forced upon countries that have different cultural and religious beliefs.”

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