
Plateau Gunmen Attacks: Governor Mutfwang relaxes curfew imposed over insecurity

Plateau Gunmen Attacks: Governor Mutfwang relaxes curfew imposed over insecurity

Jos, Jan.26, 2024(NAN)Gov.Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau has relaxed the 24-hour curfew earlier imposed on Mangu Local Government Area of the state.

This is contained in a statement by Mr Gyang Bere, the governor’s Director of Press and Public Affairs, issued on Friday in Jos.

The curfew would now be observed between 4p.m. and 8a.m., till further notice.

The governor explained that the review followed an improvement in the security situation in within the locality, owing to the strategic engagements with religious and community leaders.

“Following remarkable improvement in the security situation and after due consultation with the State Security Council, the curfew has been relaxed.

“I hereby urge residence of Mangu to strictly observe the curfew and refrain from taking the law into their hands.

“We encourage the security personnels to enforce the curfew to avoid breakdown of law and order,”Mutfwang said.

The governor, who thanked residents of the locality for the cooperation so far, however urged them to collaborate and support the security agencies in their bid toward a peaceful and virile Plateau.

“I want to strongly caution against complacency; I urge residents of Mangu to actively contribute to the security efforts by providing credible intelligence to the relevant security agencies.

“The state government remains resolute in preventing any act capable of disrupting public tranquility; we are working round the clock to restore permanent peace in all parts of the state” he said.(NAN)

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