
Past 18 months most difficult period in Nigeria’s history ― President Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has described the past 18 months as the most difficult period in the history of Nigeria since the civil war.

The President stated this in a nationwide broadcast to mark the nation’s 61st Independence Anniversary on Friday in Abuja.

He noted that the nation had never witnessed more heightened challenges than what happened in the past 18 months.

President Buhari identified the devastating impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the nation’s economy as one of the major challenges facing the country.

“Fellow Nigerians, the past 18 months have been some of the most difficult periods in the history of Nigeria. Since the civil war, I doubt whether we have seen a period of more heightened challenges than what we have witnessed in this period.

“Our original priorities for 2020 were to continue stabilising our economy following the deep recession while restoring peace in areas confronted with security challenges.

“But the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact on all nations meant we needed to shift gears and re-strategise.

“Nigerians came together as one to fight against COVID-19. It is this attitude and by the special grace of God, we continue to survive the pandemic as a nation and indeed, provide leadership and example at regional and international levels.’’

The Nigerian leader, however, assured citizens that his administration had successfully invested heavily in response to COVID-19 to tackle possible future outbreak of pandemics in the country.

He said: “The doomsday scenario predicted for our country never came. Even as the Delta variant continues to spread, we have built the capacity we need to respond now and into the future.

“I will, therefore, appeal to Nigerians not to take COVID lightly, adhere to public health and social measures, put your mask on and get vaccinated.

“We can control this pandemic, but it requires effort on everybody’s part. The investments we made in response to COVID-19 will also serve our country to tackle any future disease outbreaks or pandemics.”

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