
Nine [9] kidnapped victims rescued as Police operatives overpower armed men in ambush gun battle

Police operatives attached to Katsina State Police Command have foiled a kidnapping attempt by armed bandits at Karijam village in Mahuta ward of Dandume Local Government Area of the state. According to reports, it was learnt that the Police also rescued about 9 kidnap victims who were abducted by the bandits.

The Police Public Relations Officer of Katsina State, Isah Gambo, made the disclosure in a Press Release on Friday, July 2.

According to Isah, the bandits stormed the Karijam village on Thursday night, it was learnt that when they arrived the village, they started shooting indiscriminately in the air.

Isah said that the bandits then kidnapped 9 persons, and were about to flee into the forest when Police operatives arrived the scene.

Had said that the Police engaged them in a fierce gun battle, leading to the rescue of the 9 persons that were previously picked by the bandits. He said many of the bandits sustained injuries during the shootout.

“However, through the quick intervention by the DPO, Dandume Police Division and his men, who laid ambush in wait for the bandits at one of their possible exit routes, at Kadawan Maikomo village in Sabuwa LGA, they were able to overpower the notorious bandits which eventually saw the 9 kidnapped victims freed, leaving many bandits with gunshot wounds in the rescue mission, ” he said.

Isah said that the Police recovered an AK-47, some food items the bandits stole from the village, and some clothes from the bandits.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police in Katsina State, Sanusi Bubba, has commended the Police operatives for their bravery and courage while carrying out the operation.

“The doggedness, uncommon courage and tactical operational strategy adopted by the Police officers made the bandits flee into the forest with varying degrees of bullets wounds, “he said.

Bubba urged the people not to hesitate when they see something suspicious in their immediate environment, he also appealed to the villagers to provide credible information to the Police, adding that, that alone could save them from unforeseen dangers.

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