
My wife watches pornography, denies me of s3x – Man cries out

My wife watches pornography, denies me of s3x – Man cries out

A civil engineer, Nwali Godwin, has asked the Igando Customary Court in Lagos to dissolve his marriage to his wife, Nsika, because she is ill-tempered and denies him sex.

Speaking before the court on Thursday, Godwin also accused his wife of watching pornography and having extra-marital affairs.

He said: “My wife does not care about me. She’s irresponsible and she chats with various men on Facebook.

“I’ve also caught her watching pornography on her phone,” he said

In her defence, the respondent, Nsika, a petty trader denied all the allegations.

“I am a responsible woman and wife. I take care of my home, I am not a nuisance as he alleges. I do not engage in extra-marital affairs. It is against our tradition in Akwa Ibom.

“I am not ill-tempered. My husband is the violent one. I have been the one taking care of the feeding and paying for the children’s school fees,” she said.

She said that her husband lied when he accused her of denying him sex.

”When I gave birth, I had a vaginal tear and I was advised to stay away from sex for a while.

“We were invited to the village to settle the case but my husband refused to go. I am not against the union being dissolved. I am no longer interested in the marriage,” she said.

The President of the Court, Mr Adeniyi Koledoye, adjourned the case until March 10 for further hearing.

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