
Meeting with Govt; Commanders of different groups of bandits hold peace dialogue

The Commanders of different bandits groups operating in and within Niger state have held a meeting to discuss on how to hold peace dialogue with the state government.

Newsmen learnt that the meeting was held on Friday in Shiroro local government area of Niger state.

Report has it that the meeting had been called by one of the Kingpin Commanders and bandits in the state were in attendance.

Although, no representative of the state government was present in the meeting.

It should be recalled that the state government had said that it would meet with Fulani herdsmen and bandits to deliberate on how to have lasting peace in the state.

The Secretary to the Niger State Government, Ahmed Ibrahim Matene confirmed that the meeting held but without any representative of the state government adding that the reason why the government was not represented was that they realized that the meeting was purely for the bandits in other locations.

“One of the kingpin commanders called for a meeting to know how they would stretch the hands of dialogue with the state government so that there would be peace in the state.

The Secretary to the Niger State Government, Ahmed Ibrahim Matene confirmed that the meeting held but without any representative of the state government adding that the reason why the government was not represented was that they realized that the meeting was purely for the bandits in other locations.

“One of the kingpin commanders called for a meeting to know how they would stretch the hands of dialogue with the state government so that there would be peace in the state.

“It was their meetings and they held it and they talked about how we can have peace in the state. And how the banditry activities in the state will end.

“When they are through with that, we will interface with them again to see some resolutions that government can also leverage,” Matane said.

He added that the state government is still welcoming any of the bandits interested in dropping their arms and embracing a legitimate lifestyle of peace.

He however explained that this does not mean the government will abandon the carrot and stick approach. “the stick is still there as security agents are doing what they are supposed to do,” he said.

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