
JUST IN; Police warns clerics against misleading 2022 prophecies

The Ghana Police Service (GPS) warned religious leaders against making misleading prophecies for 2022 on Monday.

The police recalled how, over the years, prophecies of harm and death put the lives of many in danger and how misleading prophecies have resulted in public tensions, anxiety and panic among citizens.

Police noted that religious groups have the freedom of worship and freedom of expression but they must respect the rights and freedoms of others.

The security agency cautioned clerics In a statement titled “Communication of prophecies and their legal implication”
against creating fear in people’s minds.

The press release said that it is a crime to publish or reproduce a statement, rumours or report likely to cause fear and alarm under Ghanaian law.

Adding that it is also a crime to send out false or misleading information likely to prejudice the efficiency of life saving service or to endanger the safety of any person.

“The Ghana Police Service wishes to place on record that the police are not against prophecies; we acknowledge that we Ghanaian are religious people who know and believe in, has centrality of God in our lives”, the GPS said.

“We therefore wish to caution all Ghanaians, especially religious groups and leaders to treasures in their uttrance, especially how they communicate prophecies, which may injure the right of others and the public interest.” He added.

The police reminded the public that anyone found guilty under the laws could be liable to a term of imprisonment of up to five years.

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