
JUST IN; Police officer shot dead as armed men ambush Police patrol team

A Police officer has been killed in an attack by armed bandits at Runjin Sambo area of Sokoto South local government area of Sokoto State.

According to reports, it was learnt that the bandits, about 20 of them were seen on motorcycles close to the premises of Usmanu Danfodio University main campus at about 1:45am On Tuesday.

They were alleged to have dropped their motorcycles some few minutes later as they walked on foot, heading towards a Mosque around Noma Hospital in the area.

At the Mosque, a small congregation of Muslim faithful were gathered for the tahajjud prayer.

A source said that at the same time the bandits approached the Mosque, a Police patrol van was seen moving to the area to see what was going on, but before the van could move closer to the Mosque, the bandits opened fire, killing one Police officer.

It was learnt that the remaining Police officers in the patrol van chased the bandits and opened fire on them, but the bullets didn’t hit them as they fled into a nearby bush.

As of the time of filing this report, the Sokoto State Police Command is yet to issue an official statement, however, CRIMECHANNELS sent a text message to the Police Public Relations Officer of Sokoto State Command, Mr Sanusi Abubakar, to confirm the incident but he is yet to respond to the message.

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