
IG of Police’s tenure extension unconstitutional – Former Senate President

Former Senate Presi­dent, Senator Adol­phus Wabara, has described President Muhammadu Buhari’s ex­tension of the tenure of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mohammed Adamu, by three months as unlaw­ful and unconstitutional.

Wabara wondered why Buhari would decide to act unconstitutionally by ex­tending the tenure of Ada­mu when there are other Fulanis in the Police Force.

“Buhari goes again by unconstitutionally and deceitfully extending the IGP’s tenure,” Wabara said.

The ex-Senate President, in a sarcastic tone, asked: “Is there no other Fulani in the Nigeria Police Force, even if he is a corporal? Af­ter all, he has the powers to catapult a Fulani corporal to the IGP position and Ni­gerians will be sleeping and clapping. Only in Nigeria.

“I am sure there are so many Fulanis in the Police Force. And if there is no Fulani man at that level to be made IGP, he has the powers to catapult a Fulani corporal to IGP and noth­ing will happen. Since Fula­nis must continue to be the IGP, he can choose a Fulani corporal or sergeant.

“I am not asking that he (Buhari) should use an Igbo man or a Yoruba man or a Middle Belt person to replace the IGP. But, he should change him. And since he feels safe with the security apparatus of the nation being in the hands of a Fulani, then, let him get a Fulani person no mat­ter his rank.

“You have the enormous power to catapult a corpo­ral to IGP and Nigerians will be clapping. Do what is right. Nobody is indis­pensable. Not when you just adhered to the yearnings of the people that you should change the Service Chiefs.

“So, why again will you now start disregarding the yearnings of the people by still retaining this man whose tenure has expired. To me, it doesn’t make sense.”

He added: “The proper thing is that once your ten­ure is over, you give way for another person to come in to allow job satisfaction within the force.

“Every officer has 35 years to spend and wants to get to the peak of his career. When you keep extending the ten­ure of a particular officer, how do you expect others to grow and get to the peak?

“Clearly, this has a very demoralising effect on the police officers. It is very demoralising to the police officers. While you are un­constitutionally extending the tenure of a particular officer, it will negatively impact on up and coming officers.”

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