
How do terrorists get arms despite border closure – PMB queries Service Chiefs

As the President and state Governors continue to meet in the presidential villa over the growing concern of insurgency in the North east, the President has queried Security and Intelligence Chiefs on how possible it is for terrorists to have access to the arms they use despite the closure of the nation’s land borders.

The President, while speaking at a virtual meeting with state Governors and head of Security Agencies in Abuja on Tuesday, expressed concern on the terrorist group handling of arms and ammunition despite the closure of all borders with neighboring countries.

“These terrorists are in the localities. How is it that they are not short of small arms?” he queried the security and intelligence chiefs.”

The President also told the Service Chiefs to develop strategies that would bring the crisis rocking the north to it’s barest minimum, he also told field commanders to build the confidence which the community.

“We have said enough on the need for them to rejig their operations. I am glad that there are better synergy and cooperation which are very important. I have directed the Service Chiefs to meet among themselves in-between the National Security Council meetings.”

According to a statement issued by Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to the President(Media & Publicity), the meeting also agreed that poverty and youth unemployment are at the root of the national security challenges, and needed to be addressed with greater vigour by all tiers of government.

The meeting which lasted about 3 hours also had the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osibanjo in attendance, others include, head of security and intelligence agencies and states Governors.

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