
Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan’s family beg for release of abducted son

Ex-President Jonathan’s family beg for release of abducted son

Former President of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Jonathan’s family, has appealed for the release of their son, Mr Jephthah Robert Yekorogha, who was kidnapped on Monday, in front of his house gate at Biogbolo, in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

A statement signed by Austin Ekeinde on behalf of the victim’s younger brother, Mr Azibola Roberts, called on the members of the public to provide any information that could lead to the release of Yekorogha without harm.

According to the statement “in the last few days, we have been inundated with inquiries by well-meaning Nigerians and the Media for confirmation of the kidnap of our sibling. Consequently, this statement has become necessary to clarify the situation.

“Our elder brother, Mr Jephthah Robert Yekorogha, was kidnapped at about 8:40 pm on Monday, 24th January 2022, in front of his house gate at Biogbolo, in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, by four ‘gunmen’ in black uniform, who, at gunpoint, seized him in his car and forced him into their vehicle and zoomed off.

“This incident was reported to the law-enforcement agencies immediately it happened and is receiving maximum attention.

“We want to thank all well-meaning Nigerians who by way of calls, text messages and visits have stood by us since the incident occurred. We ask for the support of the public on any lead for the quick release of our brother.

“In particular, we express our appreciation to the Commissioner of Police, Bayelsa State and the State Director of the Department of State Services (DSS) for their determined assistance.

“We appeal to the abductors of our brother to immediately release him unconditionally, without harm; and turn a new leaf for the peace, security and prosperity of Bayelsa State.”

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