
Don’t collude with oil thieves, kidnappers – General Lagbaja warns Nigerian Soldiers

Don’t collude with oil thieves, kidnappers – General Lagbaja warns Nigerian Soldiers

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieut-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has warned men and officers of the 6 Division against colluding with pipeline vandals and other criminal elements to sabotage the nation’s economy.

The COAS spoke in Port Harcourt during a visit to the 6 Division of Nigeria Army, were he had commissioned the remodeled and renovated reception of the 6 Division, Nigeria Army, Ordnance Tailoring Factory, 46 Engr. Bedroom, RSM Accommodation, GAR RSM Accommodation, 10 Gun boats and vehicles, remodeled NYSC lodge, 6 Div Engineering Regiment and conducted Foundation laying of a six Division Shopping Mall.

This came as the governor of Rivers State, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has stated that his administration is doing everything possible to curb illegal bunkering activities, but that some officers of the Army are compromised in parts of Ahoada East and Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni Local Government Areas of the State and aiding the illegal activity.

However, Lagbaja, while addressing men and officers of the 6 Division at the 29 Battalion Parade Ground, warned soldiers against involving in any form of illegal activity.

He commended the men for their efforts so far in containing the activities of oil thieves within the state and the region, but urged the personnel that it was not yet time to rest of their oars.

The Army Chief said the contribution of the anti-bunkering team has recorded significant success, adding that there were already commendations and reports from the Nigeria National Petroleum Company Limited, NNPCL, on improvement in crude oil output in 2023.

He said: “Thank you, troop of 6 Division for your service to the nation. Your operational activities are well noted and they have contributed positively to the nation’s economic development.

“Just, yesterday, the NNPCL reported that the crude oil production in Nigeria has reached its peak in 2023. And that is all due to your anti-bunkering and combating illegal economic activities in your AY. So, well done.

“I still want to charge you, that for the fact that you are being commended now does not mean you should go and sleep. You still have a lot to do.

“The focus of the government is economic recovery, secuity and infrastructural development other aspects. A nation cannot experience any form of economic recovery without first having a grip of the oil industry and you are key to that firm grip of the oil industry.

“So, this afternoon, I want to charge you, wherever you will be deployed outside the barracks, you must not collude with oil vandals. You will not enter into alliance with economic saboteurs, kidnappers or enemies of the nation.”

Lagbaja said the attention of the government is economic recovery, infrastructural development and secuity, urging operatives to maintain total loyalty, discipline and commitment in the move to achieving the set targets.

He noted: “Besides that, as soldiers you are expected to be loyal and disciplined always. Don’t be distracted. You are soldiers. Your loyalty first is to the constitution, then to the government of the day. And you will remain so. You will remain loyal, dedicated and committed.”

Meanwhile, governor of the state, while receiving the Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Lagbaja on a courtesy visit in Government House on Friday, told the COAS that some officers had attacked contractors working for the state government because oil bunkering activities, adding that the officers are attached to a particular company in ONELGA.

Fubara said: “One special problem that we have here is issue of bunkering. In some parts of the State, in Ahoada East and Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni, most of the bunkering activities there, we believe, is subsisting because there is this cooperation between the Army and high top oil companies.

“I’m saying this because there is this road we are constructing somewhere in Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni and each time the contractor approaches this particular company and plead that they allow that they allow them go ahead with our job, the military will always come and attack our contractors.”

Governor Fubara explained how he had tried to resolve the problem without success because of the vested interest that the officers have, and urged the Chief of Army Staff to call them to order.

“Carrying out some assignments with any company does not give any person powers to decide for the State how things should be done. Look into the matter,” the governor added.

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