
DCP Abba Kyari: DSS writes ex-Presidential aide, Segun Adeniyi; warns against denigrating secret Police

Dear Mr Olusegun Adeniyi, without efforts to join issues with you on an opinion expressed by you in your article of 5th August, 2021 on the above subject matter, the SSS takes exceptions to the part that states that “Hundreds of innocent citizens are currently languishing in Police and State Security Services (SSS) detention centres across the country, following arrests ordered by powerful men and women”.

This is not true. I do not speak for the Police but it is certain that no Nigerian or anyone for that matter is in the SSS/DSS custody on the order(s) of private citizens or persons. The SSS has an SOP on the criminal justice administration.

The media owes a duty, propelled by good conscience and common good, to guide public narratives about some government agencies and their sacrifices to uphold security, peace and unity of this nation, Nigeria. The SSS should not be run down given the slightest opportunity. You had been at the commanding heights of governance and national security administration and management to understand issues so as not to misinform the public.

It is unacceptable for a respectable columnist of your experience and status to make a sweeping statement like the one herein. It is misleading, inciting, denigrating, demeaning, misinforming and should be withdrawn. The SSS and indeed security agencies, if not praised, should be supported. The Organisation may not be perfect but it is doing so much for the Country. It respects and loves the citizens and residents and strives to serve them based on best practices, rule of law/engagement and a balance between rights and national security.

Thank you Sir as you correct this erroneous impression created about the Service. I remain your partner in progress and service to fatherland.

Peter Afunanya, PhD


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One Comment

  1. I do not believe that , accepting some unconfirmed publications like this of one Mr olushegun Adeniyi as defended by the DSS should be allowed unpunished . It’s so bad that the freedom of expression is being exercised by people who never knew how distractive it is to criticize without facts and figures . If those who felt they new how to criticize without fact are not dragged to defend their say or baseless writeups in the court we will never be in good place . All am saying here Adeniyi who knew how to tell stories that are derogatory should be dragged to defend this in court by the DSS if the police have image makers they should come up . Please DSS run our social media you will find nothing to be proud of on some faceless publications . Nigeria Broadcast media personals can never go out for news . Most of their news -cast are based on phone calls. I can remember when a road side illiterate mechanic was making comments and contributions on “budget badding ” All am saying his open unconfirmed comment should be visited in court This is how we can save the damaged image of Nigeria .

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