
Banditry can be tackled in 17 months if some Security Operatives aren’t profiting from It – Fayemi

Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi has stated that bandits can be crushed within the remaining lifespan of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Fayemi who spoke during an interview with Arise TV on New Year day said the locations of the bandits are not unknown.

He also noted that security operatives know what to do to end banditry and other security challenges in the country.

He said not ending the security challenges within 17 months may mean that some people are benefitting from it.

“If we can destroy that monster of insecurity, the opinion in the country will change dramatically. If we decide to go after these people without to much attachment to human rights and issues that may come up from the international communities. these people are not ghosts,” he said.

“We know where the bandits are, so we can neutralise them and then begin to have the opportunity. It may not be completely finished under this government, but you can do that part of it under this administration.

“Neutralise all these elements that are responsible for the chaos that they have thrown our nation into. Unless there are people within the security institutions who are benefiting from the war economy itself, there is no question that they know what to do and we can fix it in 17 months.”

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