
Atiku Campaign Council suffers setback as Deputy Director rejects offer

Atiku Campaign Council suffers setback as Deputy Director rejects offer

The People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) Presidential Campaign Council in Kano State has suffered a major setback as a popular party chieftain, Ibrahim Al Amin Little, who was appointed the Council’s Deputy Director, rejected the offer.

Ibrahim Amin Little, who has since issued a disclaimer against the appointment, told Daily Sun that his political antecedent as a former state party Chairman and a governorship candidate and aspirant at different times, the recent appointment was the equivalent of dragging him several steps backwards.

Little’s disclaimer came against the backdrop of the inauguration of the 16-member council for the flag bearer of the PDP in the state on 5th January 2023.

The ceremony was performed by Senator Ibrahim Shekarau and attended by the National Vice Chairman of the party, (North West), Senator Bello Hayatu Gwarzo and some party chieftains.

Members of the Council comprised of Adamu Yanusa Dangwani as Director, Umar Musa Maimensileta as Secretary, Professor Umar Faruk Jibril as Director, Media and Publicity, Mutari Janguaza as Director, Finance, and Barrister Hadiza Adodo as Director, Women Affairs, among others.

According to Daily Sun, both Shekarau, who serves as the arrowhead of the Atiku /Okowa campaign project in the state, and Ibrahim Amin Little, who is related to Atiku by marriage are not the best of soul mates politically.

A party source recalled that years ago, Shekarau, through the instrumentality of a Supreme Court judgment, took over the governorship ticket of the APP from Ibrahim Amin Little adding that despite the passage of time, certain wounds don’t just heal.

Besides, it is generally believed that Shekarau and his tendency in the party are not comfortable with Atiku’s son-in-law emerging as the Director of the project as that would automatically undermine their freedom to operate as they wished.

Little, however wished the campaign council well in the discharge of their assignment, adding that whoever works and supports His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar, for the Presidency has already befriended and supported him given his close relationship with the presidential candidate.

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