
21-year-old Trader defiled four‐year-old Girl sentenced to life imprisonment

21-year-old Trader raped four‐year-old Girl sentenced to life imprisonment

Groundnut seller, Sunday Uche, 21, has been sentenced to life imprisonment, by the Ikeja Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court for defiling a four year old girl.

Uche was detained on February 1, 2017, on a count of defilement by penetration leveled against him by the state.

Although he pleaded not guilty.

However, prosecution counsel, I.D. Solarin, noted that the offence committed by Uche is against Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State.

Uche, who worked as a groundnut trader, defiled the minor in his house after she came to beg for groundnuts.

The victims mother however, reported the case to the police leading to Uche’s arrest.

He said: “I was at home when one small boy brought a four-year-old girl to my house to beg for groundnuts, so I decided to have sexual intercourse with her. After everything, I gave her some groundnuts. The small baby cried. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I was so eager, but I did not release inside the vagina. After releasing sperm, I became weak, surprisingly the mother of the girl came to my house to look for me.”

Delivering his judgment, Justice Oshodi Ramon maintained that the evidence presented found the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, under Sections 135i and 139 of the Criminal Law of Lagos.

He said: “Based on the evidence presented, a statement of the IPO of the Sabo Police Command, Lagos State, a statement from the victim’s mother, the police referral for medical examination, a detailed medical report from Mirabel Centre dated February 2, 2017, and the defendant’s statements, I find the defendant guilty and convict him under Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos.

“This is a grave offence that carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment. The parts of this case are alarming: you took advantage of a four-year-old girl who came to you simply asking for groundnut. You exploited her vulnerability and trust, in the most heinous way imaginable. The physical and psychological harm you have inflicted on this young victim is immeasurable and likely to have a long-lasting effect.”

The defendant was prosecuted on a one count charge bordering on defilement by penetration and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

The judge further directed that the name of the convict be registered in the Lagos State Sexual Offences Register.

Justice Oshodi however, said, “I have considered other factors like the lack of previous convictions and your plea for mercy and sentencing. However, the aggravating factors outweigh any other circumstances.

“The purposes of sentencing in this case must prioritise the protection of the public, particularly vulnerable children and to send a message to others. Taking all factors into account, I sentence you to life imprisonment and you will be registered as a sex offender.”

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