
Eight persos returning from burial programme killed in bomb explosions, others injured

An explosion has reportedly claimed the lives of eight people in Yobe State.

According to The Cable, the explosion, which occurred on Tuesday evening, was an improvised explosive device (IED) incident.

According to Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency publication focused on the Lake Chad region, the mourners who rode on tricycles, were struck by the IED planted by Boko Haram insurgents in Goni Mittiri village near Gumsa town in Gaidam LGA of the state.

The publication said the deceased persons were returning from the Solatul-Janaza (burial prayer) of 16 persons killed on Monday by the terrorists over non-payment of imposed taxes in Ngouro Kiyeyya village.

A source in the military told the publication that six persons were injured, out of which four with severe cases have been driven to the General Hospital in Geidam.

“Four people died immediately and another four died while being evacuated,” the source said.

“Another four people with minor injuries were left in the village while two with serious injuries were evacuated to the General Hospital in Geidam.”

Last Tuesday, troops of sector 2 of the 233 battalion of Operation Hadin Kai, killed six Boko Haram fighters in Yobe.

Zagazola Makama said the fighters were killed in separate operations while invading Kurnawa and Bajingo villages, Tarmuwa LGA of the state.

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